Injured / Disabled

Business Owners

Professional Athletes

Retirement Estate and Trust Planning

Hudson Wealth and Trust Planning Group was formed to help people solve complicated financial and tax problems. Our primary focus is to preserve and protect wealth while seeking safe and solid growth to outpace the rising costs of living. Our clients consist of business owners and other high-net-worth professionals, as well as those who have received a sudden increase in assets. They trust us because our financial plans are always unbiased with no hidden fees.

In addition, our proprietary money management process is designed specifically around the needs of lottery winners, professional athletes, and recipients of insurance settlements and large inheritances. We believe that success in wealth management goes beyond market returns, which is why we designed our SUDDEN WEALTH SYSTEMâ„¢ suite of money management tools.

While many practitioners in our industry focus solely on the money, we put people at the centre of all our financial plans. We work toward taking the stress and worry out of your financial affairs so that you are free to focus on the things that matter most in life. Let our professionals show you how we can help. Book a no-obligation, free consultation, or click on one of the icons above to learn more.

In The News…

Contingency Fees and WIP

Contingency Fees and WIP

By: Percy Pierre, CFP, CLU, CHS Budget 2017 proposed to eliminate the ability of certain designated professionals (i.e., taxpayers carrying on a business that is the professional practice of an accountant, dentist, lawyer, medical doctor, veterinarian or chiropractor)...

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The Disability Tax Credit is the gateway to $90,000

The Disability Tax Credit is the gateway to $90,000

By: Maria Campanella, M.Sc. The benefits of the Disability Tax Credit (DTC) go beyond just reducing last year's taxes. These savings could quadruple in a Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP), which is only available to those who are approved for the DTC. Yet, we...

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